Saw a thread on the Billiken message board asking if fans thought Ford could turn their team into something like Villanova and I got to thinking what's it going to take for us to do the same. They're a small private school in a non P5 conference that is now in the top ten almost every year and somehow won the national championship. Is it just better recruiting as they seem to get players who compete for national player of the year, better conference, home court which I think we have as good an advantage as they do. I think we've made great strides in recent years but there seems a wall we haven't been able to bust through as yet even with a recent elite eight . What's strange is until last year the big complaint was Nova made the dance but never got past the first weekend. Don't know what the answer is for Dayton as we seem to be in that top thirty every year, at least recently but maybe don't have quite the manpower to get past that final eight barrier. Maybe it will take getting a couple of four or five star players to come here to put us over the top.No doubt we're getting solid players now but I've heard over the years to make the final four you have to have some NBA caliber talent and it's been tough for us to do that.Hopefully more NCAA visits will jack up our reputation more and get us in the door of those elite players. I know we're not Duke or Kentucky but if Nova can grab some of those type of recruits I don't see why we can't attract some as well.